Ani Margaryan
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy
Session terms
15.000 AMD, 60 min
15.000 AMD
Gained Bachelor’s degree (2009) in the department of Psychology of the Faculty of Phylosophy and Psychology in Yerevan State University, and Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in the same Faculty (2011)
18-22 of May 2022-Training "BASICS OF SCHEMA THERAPY",Mental Health Service
08-12 of August 2022-Intensive course of "Basics of cognitive-behavioral therapy",Mental Health Service
2021- participated in “Psychiatry for Psychologists” training held by MHS mental health services, 40 hours
2021- participated in practical course “Existential psychotherapy” held by YSU Center of applied psychology, more than 160 hours
2021- participated in professional development lecture “A Matter of Death and Life” by Irvin Yalom organized by Onlinevents
2021- participated in the international on-line conference “Relatedness, Uncertainty and Anxiety” held by East European Association for Existential Therapy, 8 hours
2020- participated in training course for “Integration of Identity” held by “PSYCHOSYNTHESIS” psychological centre, 42 hours
2017- participated in training “Gestalt-Therapy” held by Gestalt-Forum Marburg, 40 hours
2012- participated in the course “Archetypical Theatre” held by European Association for Psychotherapy, 30 hours
2012- participated in a workshops “Life Script Concept in Transactional Analysis”, 12 hours and “From Passivity to Autonomy”, 12 hours held by European Association for Transactional Analysis
2012- participated in practical course “Gestalt therapy” held by YSU Center of applied psychology
2011- participated in workshop on Bereavement “Advanced In-field Training and Curriculum Development” held by International Union of Psychological Science
2008-2009- participated in practical trainings “Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (A. Beck and A. Ellis models)”, 80 hours
2021 to date MHS Mental Health Service Psychologist-psychotherapist
2010-2012թթ․-in Aregnazan Educational Complex as a special pedagogue and psychologist
2013-2017թթ․-in Ayb Educational Complex as a psychology teacher, then psychologist
From April 2021-at platform as a freelance psychologist
From May 2021 ongoing – Psychogist-Psychotherapist at MHS Mental Health Services.
Armenian – native
Russian– fluent